Transform your smile in 2022 with Cfast Cosmetic Tooth Alignment

With everything we have suffered over the past two years, you probably feel that you have missed out on a lot. If you suffer from crooked teeth, the chances are that you’ve felt you are missing out for a lot longer. Sound familiar? Why not seize the moment and transform your smile – and your life – in 2022 with a smile you can be proud of. Read on to discover five reasons to choose Cfast cosmetic tooth alignment.

1. It’s never too late to enjoy straighter teeth

If you think you’ve missed your chance, think again! Contrary to popular belief, it is never too late to have your teeth straightened. Our Cfast straightening system can be used at any age and is specially designed to be as discreet as possible – meaning most people will never even notice you are wearing them. The system uses an advanced technique that is gentle on the teeth and is suitable for almost anybody

2. Cfast aligners are almost invisible

Many adults avoid getting their teeth straightened simply because they cannot bear the thought of wearing unsightly metal braces.

Luckily, thanks to Cfast aligners, this is far from the case. Cfast aligners are made using clear components that are almost invisible to the untrained eye, meaning that most people will not ever need to know you are undergoing treatment – and you certainly won’t feel self conscious about your braces. This means that you have the freedom to enjoy your normal personal and professional life as normal throughout the treatment – before showing the world your smile when you are ready!

3. An investment in your confidence

If you’ve been putting off having your teeth straightened because you don’t think you can justify the expense, think again. You may be surprised to learn about the benefits of investing in your teeth. Research has proven that people who are more confident about their appearance do better, especially when it comes to careers and earnings. If it is your confidence that has been holding you back from going for that big opportunity or pursuing your dream, then Cfast aligners may well offer benefits that go far beyond your teeth.

With Cfast aligners, you could be just months away from a new you, with your confidence restored – so that you can go out there and be the person you deserve to be.

4. Straighter teeth are healthier teeth

As well as transforming your appearance and boosting your confidence, straighter teeth can also help to improve your oral hygiene.

Crooked your teeth are much harder to brush effectively, meaning you are at a higher risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease, as well as other oral health issues. 

Although straightening your teeth itself doesn’t protect your teeth, improving the position of your teeth can make it easier to brush your teeth effectively, helping to keep your teeth and gums stronger and healthier for longer.

5. Cfast technology is tried and tested

The Cfast system uses a unique low pressure approach, which means there is less discomfort compared with traditional braces, whilst at the same time the treatment is more targeted, meaning results are generally quicker than traditional alternatives too. It has been thoroughly tried and tested, with thousands of satisfied patients. 

To find out now, get in touch with the team at Regent Dental Centre. Call now on 0161 941 2143.

Website last updated: May 2024

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