How often should you visit the dentist?

Good oral hygiene is essential to maintaining a healthy body, and regular dental checkups play a crucial role in achieving this. However, many people tend to neglect their dental health until it’s too late. 

Visiting the dentist regularly can help you to prevent dental problems before they become severe and require costly treatments. But you might be wondering, how often should you visit the dentist? In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of regular dental checkups and answer the question of how often you should visit the dentist to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Let’s dive in…

What happens during our dental checkup?

A dental checkup is a comprehensive examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth. This is where we will check for any signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral health issues. We will also assess any existing dentistry work you’ve had done (fillings, implants, etc).

Dental cleaning is performed by one of our dental hygienists. If required, they will remove any plaque or tartar buildup from your teeth using special tools. The hygienist will also polish your teeth to remove any surface stains and give your teeth a clean, shiny appearance (also known as a scale and polish).

How often should you visit the dentist?

The frequency of dental checkups depends on several factors. In general, it is recommended that adults visit the dentist at least once every six months. However, if you have a history of dental problems or are at a higher risk for dental issues, we may recommend more frequent visits.

Children should also visit the dentist regularly, and should have their first dental appointment ASAP. This will help them to get used to the dental environment, assess any potential problems developing in the future and reduce their dental anxiety. After that, children should have regular checkups every six months.

What can affect how often you should visit the dentist?

Several factors can affect how often you should visit the dentist:


As we age, our teeth and gums become more susceptible to dental issues. Older adults are more likely to develop gum disease and tooth decay, which means they may need to visit the dentist more frequently.

Dental History

If you have a history of dental issues, such as cavities or gum disease, your dentist may recommend more frequent checkups. Additionally, if you have had extensive dental work done in the past, such as fillings or crowns, you may need to visit the dentist more often to ensure that the work is holding up.

Overall Health

Certain health conditions, such as diabetes, can increase your risk of dental issues. Your dentist may recommend more frequent checkups if you have a health condition that affects your oral health.

The consequences of skipping regular dental checkups

Without regular checkups, small dental issues can become more severe and require more invasive treatments. For example, a small cavity that could have been filled with a simple filling may turn into a larger cavity that requires a root canal or even an extraction.

Skipping dental checkups can also lead to gum disease, which can cause tooth loss and even affect your overall health. Studies have shown that gum disease is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health issues.

Regular dental checkups can help to catch dental issues early before they become more severe. Some common dental issues that we can catch early with regular checkups include gum disease, cavities and oral cancer.

Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene Between Checkups

While regular dental checkups are important, maintaining good oral hygiene habits between checkups is equally important. Here are some tips for keeping your teeth and gums healthy between checkups:

Brush Twice a Day

Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time. Use a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Floss Daily

Flossing helps to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth, where your toothbrush can’t reach. Floss at least once a day.

Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash can help to kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Use a mouthwash that is alcohol-free and contains fluoride.

Eat a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can help to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks, which can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking can cause a variety of oral health issues, including gum disease and oral cancer. Quitting smoking can help to improve your oral health.

Regular dental checkups are essential for maintaining good oral health. By visiting the dentist regularly, you can prevent dental issues before they become more severe and require costly treatments. 

Book your dental checkup today: 0161 941 2143

Website last updated: May 2024

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