Looking after your teeth this Christmas

For many of us, Christmas time is all about indulging in food and drink that you wouldn’t usually have the rest of the year.

Unfortunately, many of our favourite festive treats can have a negative effect on our oral health. Chocolate, candy canes and mince pies all have very high sugar content which will accelerate the acidity of your mouth. Also, foods like toffee and dried fruits can cause chips or cracks, and their sticky texture means the acid causing bacteria surround your teeth, creating a high volume of plaque.

If like most people, you will be indulging in food and drink this Christmas, it is important that you take extra care of your oral hygiene. We recommend brushing, flossing and using mouthwash at least twice a day, making sure you are removing all traces of sticky substances and plaque.

Here are some tips to help you keep your mouth in top condition throughout the festivities this year:

Keeping up your oral hygiene routine

We all know we should be brushing our teeth twice daily but a high percentage of families let that slip on Christmas Day. Taking two minutes out of your morning and evening may seem like a chore when all you want to do is open presents but it could save you from hours in the dentist chair. If you are staying with others this Christmas, make sure you remember to charge your toothbrush before you go.

Enjoy the festive food

Would Christmas be complete without cranberries and a good cheeseboard? In moderation, cranberries are good for your teeth so feel free to enjoy some with your turkey dinner. Ending a meal with some cheese works wonders for your teeth as it returns your mouth back to a neutral acidity – helping to prevent tooth decay.

Teeth aren’t tools

Teeth are not designed to be used as tools. Using your teeth to open packets, tear off labels or open bottles is never a good idea. You can chip, break or crack your teeth this way and even pull the whole tooth out by the root. Reach for the bottle opener this Christmas!

Sugary foods in moderation

We don’t expect you to stay away from the tasty festive treats altogether, we certainly won’t be! We just want you to be aware of the amount of sugar some of your favourite Christmas foods contain and consume these in moderation to protect your teeth from decay.

If you would like more advice on how to take care of your teeth over Christmas or to book an appointment for a dental check-up, call Regent Dental Centre on 0161 941 2143.

Website last updated: July 2024

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